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Kira Krivosh's responses to questions from the community.
I will objectively review every case with the goal of protecting the public and upholding the law. I will use my discretion as I currently do as a magistrate – to issue innovative decisions, sentences when necessary and ensure fairness for the defendant.
I will use my experience as an attorney, a former prosecutor, and magistrate to examine each case individually, taking into account the facts of each case and applying the law. Data and transparency will also be important to me when determining sentencing. Additionally, by being active in our communities, I have my finger on the pulse of Cuyahoga County’s most pressing needs. My nonprofit work has allowed me to better serve those that come before me as a magistrate and will do the same for me if elected as a judge.
Bail reform, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, has reduced the Cuyahoga County jail population from approximately 2,200 in March of 2020 to approximately 1,400 currently. Bail reform is still a work in progress, but we can continue to make headway by making sure our courts have enough GPS monitors for those being considered for supervised release. The purpose of bail is to ensure the person will appear before the court, so taking into account public safety and whether the individual is a flight risk is very important. Further reforms could focus on distinguishing between violent and nonviolent crimes.
Judges should be elected because it allows the voters to have a say over who makes the rulings that often directly impact their lives or the lives of their neighbors. However, more requirements could be in place to ensure all judges meet a minimum standard of qualifications.
Cuyahoga County’s programs have been working to divert individuals out of the typical justice system path and to get them back on track. Based on my nonprofit background, I will be able to help the Court develop additional collaborations with community organizations to create wraparound services for those with lower level, non-violent felonies. The court can assist in reducing recidivism by helping address some of the root causes of crime such as food insecurity, housing insecurity, trauma and barriers to employment.
If elected judge, there will be times I will have to make some difficult and unpopular decisions. I pledge to do my best to apply the law and protect the community in each case. I will also prioritize communication with victims and their families as well as to the defendant and their families to explain the findings of fact that went into determining the result. My background and experience as a former educator (substitute teacher), giving trainings and talks across the state, and teaching CLEs [Continuing Legal Education] has provided me with the skills to explain the process, the reasoning behind my ruling, as well as the law being applied. I do this every day for the cases I preside over as a magistrate and this helps build trust within our communities.