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Did you know that Tennessee used to hold juveniles in solitary confinement even before they’d gone to trial? After we exposed this practice on the front page of The Tennessean, local lawmakers changed the rules.

And did you know that violent incidents dropped nearly 80 percent at Attica Correctional Facility, one of the nation’s most notorious prisons, following the installation of nearly 2,000 cameras? Our story exposing the brutality of guards, co-published on the front page of the New York Times, clearly contributed to this change.

Bringing stories like these to light is what we live for at The Marshall Project. Indeed, that is our single mission - to sustain a sense of urgency about the U.S. criminal justice system by shining a light on injustices. Just last year, thousands of generous people joined us in that mission by becoming members of The Marshall Project. We are putting out that call again. Today we are launching our 2018 Spring Membership Drive.

We produce deeply reported investigative, explanatory and narrative journalism; we publish commentaries that offer fresh perspectives; and we give voice to those enmeshed in the system. We continue to explore more creative ways of telling these stories—video, interactive graphics, animation—to reach a broader and more diverse audience. But this kind of reporting takes persistence, skill and, above all, time, which is why we need your support.

Become a Member

Join the community that keeps criminal justice on the front page.

The best way to show your support is through a recurring donation, which makes our future more secure. By joining us, you are becoming a part of a community of generous individuals who care about improving our country’s systems of crime and punishment.

Your generosity means that we can continue to publish journalism that changes lives. In just a few short years, we have been awarded some of the most prestigious prizes in journalism, including a Pulitzer prize, two George Polk awards and a National Magazine Award for general excellence. We have shared our work with more than 100 print, broadcast and digital news outlets, amplifying our voice and reminding everybody across the country that the authority to take away life and liberty is the most fearsome power we give our government.

We depend on reader contributions to sustain our journalism. If you share our belief that honest, independent reporting is essential to a healthy democracy, support us. Become a member of The Marshall Project today.